Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Hope you all had a good day....

Good Evening All,

I hope that everyone had an enjoyable and productive day today. I expect to hear good things when I return to school tomorrow. This is just to go over a few reminders:
-Any outstanding trip money must be brought in ASAP!
-Lines for the play must be memorized as of Wednesday.
-All work from today is due tomorrow, unless otherwise stated (i.e. Geography).
-We will be having our Chapter 4 math test on Monday.

See you all tomorrow. Do not forget your gym clothes!

Ms. Swanek

Monday, November 29, 2010

Monday's Note

Well there are only three weeks left in 2010! We are down for the count. These nexts few weeks are going to be busy, but there will be a number a different, fun events going on such as the Nutcracker trip on December 6th, the student vs. staff volleyball game on December 14th, the prep rally on December 16th and of course of presentation of the production Christmas Animals.  So there is lots to look forward too, however their is still much work to be done.

Here is what you should have done for tomorrow:

Geography: P. 71 #1-3 (remember you will have more time to work on these questions plus additional readinds and questions for tomorrow).
Drama: Continue to work all the songs for the play-we will be having a music practice on Wednesday morning, prior to our first dress rehersal.
History: Start thinking about your arugments for the upcoming debate
Math: Mid Chapter Review P. 135 #1-5
Language: The Comic strip-look over, edit, revise and add to your answer. Be sure to write clearly and make references to the text in your inference. HINT: The jeep on the cover makes me think that.....
Science: Ensure that all the review questions from chapter 5 are complete. You will get back your quiz's on Thursday during Science period.

To those of you that failed to complete your math homework over the weekend, please ensure that it gets done for tomorrow and that your parents sign the note in your agendas.

Have a good night and a great day tomorrow. I will see you all on Wednesday!

Ms. Swanek

Friday, November 26, 2010

Weekend Homework

Here is what you have in terms of homework over this weekend.

Religion: Your symbol for your model church
Drama: memorize lines/songs. Start collecting any pieces that you have in terms of props and costumes. Please bring in what you can for Wednesday.
History: p. 157 #1-6
Math: Workbook Pg. 42 #1-5\
Language: Read by 28-31 in Nelson Literacy. In reflection please respond to questions # 1-3 on page 31 and create 1-2 paragraphs reflecting on one of your favourite songs. Why do you love it? Is it because of the singer, the lyrics, the music etc. In your paragraph(s) reflect on your musical tastes and preferences.
Due Monday

That's it from me. Have a great weekend!

Ms. Swanek


There are a number of forms that have gone home but have failed to come back. Here is what should be on its way to school:
Ski Trip Survey
Permission and $ for Nutcracker Trip
Report Card Folders signed and returned
Fund Script
Bully Bookmarks for student council

Also, a reminder that there is Bundle Sunday going on St. Gregory parish this weekend.

Ms. Swanek

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Reminders for Friday

If you have not brought in your trip money for the Nutcracker please do so asap! Also a reminder to those applying to the IB program at Michael Power, we will be writing the application essays tomorrow afternoon in class. Please be prepared.

Ms. Swanek

Thursdat November 25th, 2010.

Thursday already! This was a busy week with both girls and boys city volleyball tournaments. Congradulations to both teams for all their efforts this season! Everyone should be proud of the accomplishments made. We have also moved along with the play practices and I must say that I was very happy with the developments, especially today’s. Keep up the good work! A reminder to those with a significant amount of lines, they should be memorized by this point. Please put in some serious time with the script this evening if you have not already memorized your lines. We will be practicing again for some of tomorrow morning.

Speaking of tomorrow, here is what you should have completed:

Religion: title page for the new unit (3) and your response to "Why bother with church?"
Geography: Human Imprint Assignment Due
History: P. 157 #1-6 Due Monday
Math: Txt. Pg. 128 #7, 9 WBK. Pg. 42 #1-5
Science: If you have not completed the review of chapter questions please have them done by tomorrow. P. 52-53 # 2,4,6,11,13,17,22,26

Well that is it from me. Have a good night! See you all tomorrow.

Ms. Swanek

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

IB Essay's

To those of you that are planning on applying to the IB program, we will be writing the essay on Friday November 26th, 2010 in afternoon. Come prepared to write in the essay. I recommend writing a rough copy ahead of time.

Ms. Swanek

Tuesday November 23rd, 2010.

Hello folks,

 Here is what was covered today.

Religion: Response on bullying. What is your experience with bullying? What does it  look like, sound like and feel like? Due Wednesday.
Drama: Continue to work to memorize your lines and songs.
Physical Education: A reminder to all to remember to bring a change of clothes, in order to take part in gym class.
Geography: Continue to work on your geography assignment. Bring any final questions to class on Thursday.
Math: WBK. Pg. 39 #1-5. Due Wednesday.
Science: Review Questions: Pg. 52-53 # 2,4,6,11,13,17,22,26. Due Friday. Study for quiz on Thursday.

Have a great day tomorrow! See you all on Thursday!

Ms. Swanek

Monday, November 22, 2010


A few reminders to tell everyone about.

1. Please continue to bring in money and permission forms for our trip to the Nutcracker.
2. I will be out of class on Wednesday with the girls volleyball team. Ms. Reily will be with you for the day.
3. Geography Human Imprint Assignment is due on Friday.
4. Pictures have gone home.

Ms. Swanek

A New Week...

I am pleased to see everyone back this week, and well rested from the long weekend. Most of you I am sure are also feeling a sense of relief with a number of assignments done and out of the way. Congradulations on all your hardwork! I am pleased with the quality of work that I have seen so far. Keep up the good work people!

Here is what you need to get done for tomorrow:

Fully Alive: please find at least one place where young people that are experiencing abuse can go for help. I.E. Children's Aid Society
Drama: continue to work to memorize your lines for the play. Be ready for another practice tomorrow.
Math: Research Fibonicci and his sequence, be ready to discuss it tomorrow.
Language: curl up with a good book.
Science: study for quiz on Thursday.
Have a great night!

Ms. Swanek

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Short Week

Well folks I hope that everyone's long weekend is off to a great start. I hope that some of you will be using tomorrow to finish up assignments for next week, especially the newspaper! Here is what needs to be done for next week:

-Newspapers: Monday
-Math Chapter 3 Task: Monday
-Human Imprint Geography Assignment: Friday
-Science Chapter 5 Quiz: Friday

My morning people should also be working on memorizing lines for the Christmas Animals play, or working on getting sets and costumes together. We were unable to practice today due to the special presentation, however we will be going ahead with a practice on Monday, so please be ready.

 I hope to see most of you at interviewers! Have a great three day weekend and we see you all on Monday!

Ms. Swanek

Monday, November 15, 2010

The Christmas Animals Audition Results

I know that we have all been waiting patiently for the results of this mornings auditions. Before I post the results I would like to thank everyone for auditions, especially those that were well prepared.

Here are the decisions that I have come to. If there is anyone that is unhappy with their parts they may see me on Thursday.

Donkey: Lorenc
Camels: Goldy: Alisha
             Franky: Melissa C.
              Myrrhvin: Robbie
Dog: Jordan V.
Lion: Chris
Owl: Keenan
Pig: Emily B, Ana, Alex
Dove: Sarah
Sheep: Bria, Madigan
Cow: Alyssa, Connor
Mary: Christine
Joseph: Josh

Behind the Scenes:
Director; Erica
Producer: Emily Z.
Colleen: Set and Costume Design Head
Jordan G: Lighting
Douglas: Music and sound
Georgianna and Breanne: Promo/advertising
Crew: Alex B., Melissa N., Keith, Matthew, Eddie, John, Caroline

Thanks to all again. Now it is time to start planning and memorizing your lines. Be ready for our first full run through on Thursday morning!

Ms. Swanek

Today's Homework

Hello all,

Here is what you need to have done for tomorrow:

Math: P 117# 1-5 Due tomorrow
-You can also start collecting data for your chapter task that is due on Monday

-Read the rest of of How Real is Reality TV?
-Continue to work on your newspaper-take advantage of the extra time to do an even better job. Be ready to share your progress with me on Thursday.
-If you would like me to read anything over, leave it in my mailbox.
Be productive tomorrow and Wednesday. See you all on Thursday!

Ms. Swanek

Friday, November 12, 2010


Well folks we have made it to the weekend! It has been a busy week, and looking at the our calendar, it seems like next week is going to be even worse. Take this weekend to make sure that you are on track, or even better, ahead.

Here is what you should be working on:

Morning Folks:
Drama: Be ready to audition Monday morning
Geography: Have Geography from Wednesday complete

Afternoon Folks:
Language: newspapers
Math: P. 114 #4,5 WBK. P. 36 Due Monday
-Note the excel assignment will be due on Tuesday, we will go over some examples on Monday.
Also, we just finished the final lesson for chapter three today, we will review on Monday and the test will be on Thursday when I return.

Have a great weekend all!

Ms. Swanek

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Thursday's Homework

Hello folks,

Here is what is due for me tomorrow:

History: due to the special activites of the morning, we did not get a chance to hear our final history presentations, we will listen to those tomorrow morning.
Health: I would also ask that you submit your healthy living goals and plan to the IN box on arrival.
Art: all art is now overdue. I will be assessing art portfolio's.
Geography: Review p. 64 #1-4 are due tomorrow.
Drama: be ready to audition on Monday

Math: Excel Assignment Due Monday
Language: continue to work on rough copy for newspapers, crossroads reading is due tomorrow, as well as your reflection to remembrance day
Science: 5.3 Osmosis #1-5 Due tomorrow afternoon.

Have a good night!

Ms. Swanek

Remembrance Day

Today we paid tribute to those that fought for our freedom. Our mass this morning, the school reflection and our language period all allowed time for quite reflection. In the days to come let us remember to be peacemakers.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Guidelines for Review

As promised here is the components of the review.


-Review should be relatively short
-Factual material must be correct
-Review should be firm and assertive-you should have a strong opinion
-Reviewer is entitled to whatever opinion he or she has of the work to be it positive or negative, but the opinion must but supported with details and examples
-The review should establish a voice, tone and personal style that make the review interesting
-Introduction the product, service, literary piece or media piece, its author, owner or designer, when it was invented, opened, or written.
-Thesis: the reviewer’s opinion
-A brief summary of the product, service, literary or media piece
-Concrete material/examples that support the reviewer's opinion of the item
-You may also include comparisons
-Reiterate the main points
-End with a clear closing statement that leaves that reader with a memorable impression of the item in review


Afternoon all,

I would like to start by thanking all those that presented their oral history presentations today. I continue to be impressed.
A reminder, that I will not be in the class tomorrow, as I will be coaching the girls intermediate volleyball. You all know what work you are expected  to complete. Please make use of this time. All work, expect for geography, will be due Thursday. Geography is due on Friday.

As for today, here is what you have to work on tonight:

Morning Folks:
-Religion # 1-6 Due Thursday
-History- ensure those that have not presented, are ready to do so on Thursday.
-Drama-continue to prepare for auditions on Monday for The Christmas Animals
-Art-please ensure that all art pieces are complete and in your art portfolio's by Thursday when I return.

Afternoon Folks:
Language- continue to work on your newspaper projects-we have now discussed reviews and so please get a start on those.
-Crossroads: Read Instant Messaging  respond to: A. What is the purpose of this article and B. Who is the intended audience?
Math- Get math tests signed and returned asap!
Science-get science quiz's signed and returned asap!

Have a great day tomorrow. See you all on Thursday!

Ms. Swanek

Monday, November 8, 2010


A few reminders:

Halloween Dance-if you have not paid the $2 for the dance please do so asap!
High School Applications-please continue to bring in your high school applications-note they are due by Wednesday November 10th, 2010. Also if you are applying to any special programs, you are advised to look into the requirements asap.

Ms. Swanek

Back on Track....

Hello all,

It seems that things are getting back to normal. If you were away please work to ensure that you are all caught up by Wednesday at the very lastest.
To those that started us off with their oral history presentations, thank you very much! What a great start! I am very much looking forward to see tomorrow's.
Speaking of tomorrow here is what needs to done:

Oral History: if you have not yet presented, be ready tomororw. We will start with volunteers and then go to lottery if required.
Fully Alive: Please respond to the two questions about relationships by next Monday. (Note: your religion notebooks are in the OUT box, please pick them up as you come into class).
Drama: We are beginning to prepare for a Christmas play. Please prepare you auditions, whether that be for a part or crew (i.e. stage crew, custome designer, director, etc) Be ready to audition or share your thoughts (crew) with me on Monday morning. Looking forward to it!

Math: You have a light evening in terms of math. Workbook pg 33-34 #1-4. Please take the extra time to work on your newspaper assignment.
Language: Work on rough drafts for both your editorials and articles for the newspaper. You are advised to come up and conference with me at your convience.
Science: Be sure your notebooks are neat, organized and up to date.

That is it from the teachers desk. Have a productive night!

Ms. Swanek

Friday, November 5, 2010

High School Applications

Application season is upon us here in grade eight. By now, all students should have recieved the application package. These forms are to be returned by Wednesday November 10th, 2010.
f there are students that are thinking about applying to any speciality programs, now is the time to be researching what is required for those applications, if you have not already done so. It is likely that many of these programs will require teacher assessments. So if you are applying to any of these speciality programs, please ensure that any forms that you would like me to fill out are brought to me asap!


Ms. Swanek

Parent Teacher Interviews

All the interview request sheets were sent home yesturday. Please ensure that these are returned asap!

Ms. Swanek

Calling all AV nerds....

This is a note for all those eights that are signed up for AV team. We will be meeting on Monday, so come ready to present you material!

Looking forward to seeing what you all have to offer,

Ms. Swanek

A Note about homework

I would just like to take a moment to restate our classes homework policy. We agreed at the beginning of the year that all homework would be completed for the next class, unless otherwise stated. In the event that you are absent, it is your responsiblity to get what was missed. There are a number of ways that you can find out what was covered while you were away. One you can consult the blog. I post the homework daily for this purpose. You can also consult a reliable classmate. If all else fails you may consult me. Many of you are doing this and I am pleased. One of you even said to me the other week when I asked if you had gotten all the homework, "No I am done all that homework Miss, I checked out the blog and finished it all last night." I am not expecting that it all be done for when you arrive back (although that would be lovely for both you and I) but I do expect it by the next day. Please keep this in mind as we move forward.

Thank you kindly,


Weekends here!.....

Hello folks,

I hope that everyone's weekend is off to a better start than the lasts. I expect that most are over their illness and are getting back to normal. I mentioned in class today that I have been understanding about due dates for assignments this week due to the unique circumstances, however I want you all to note that starting next week we will be back to our regular programing. Take this weekend to get up to date. Here is what I am expecting for Monday.

History Presentation: the groups will be chosen through luck of the draw, so be prepared and ready to present on Monday. A reminder, I am expecting that most groups should have a primary source in their presentations, as we were given much extended time, both in class and at home!
Art: if you have any outstanding art assignment, it is now your responsibility to show up to homework club on Monday to get it completed. I am giving warning now, that I will be assessing students art portfolio in the near future, so please ensure all work is both completed and to the best of your ability. (I am not expecting everyone to be artists, but I do expect that you give your best effort.)
Religion: Anyone that is taking the weekend to complete their saint project, please ensure that it is submitted to me first thing Monday morning.

Math: We did not advance in math today so that everyone can get caught up. Monday, be ready to dive into the second half of the chapter.(histographs)
Language: Everyone should be working on some aspect of their newspaper project. You will have at least two work periods next week, but you must get ahead start over the weekend, otherwise you will simply not have enough time.
-Also, for those that are taking the weekend to finish up their bit strips, please ensure they are submitted first thing in the afternoon to the IN box. (Note: those that have been submitted so far are excellent!Way to go folks!)
Science: Science notebooks will be assessed at some point next week, so I suggest you take advantage of -the forewarning. Ensure all homework is complete and your notebook is neat.
-Today's homework: Read pgs. 37-39 and answer questions 1-5. If you missed the mini lab yesturday please complete at home (Try It, page 38).

Well I think that is it. Sorry for being long winded, but as I said I want to ensure that everyone is on the same page for Monday.

Have a great weekend! Looking forward to seeing you all on Monday and hearing these presentations!

Ohh! Be I forget. I also want to thank our group that presented our first literagy this morning. It was really very peaceful and beautiful! It was also a nice treat to have such an honoured guest in our class to take part.

That's it for me!

Ms. Swanek

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Almost Forgot...

To my afternoon students, the science mini lab on diffusion (the one with the tea bags) is due tomorrow-A-D!

Ms. Swanek

Things for Friday November 5th!...

I realize that we have all been coming into this week at different times, but my hope is that we all end it on the same foot, so that we will all be back on track for Monday. Here is what you need to have done for tomorrow (Friday)!

-Saint Assignment
-Kapok Tree Response
-Math Mid Chapter Review pg. 103-#1-3
-Bit Strips (ready to be submitted with rubric)
-Downtown Fire Article

Have a great night. See you all tomorrow!

Ms. Swanek

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Almost back to normal

I am happy to see many of you return to school today! We are almost back to regular programming. For those of you still at home recovering, here is what you missed:

Am folks:
History Oral Presentation: final work period tomorrow-be ready to present on Friday!
Art: fruit basket and triptych pieces due Friday
Religion: saint project-in honor of All Saints Day (Monday) we are researching a saint of your choice and create a poster, card, journal entry, newspaper piece etc. on that saint. There will be a work period for this in tomorrow's religion class.

Pm folks:
Math: textbook pg 100 # 4,10 and workbook pg 31 all
Language: Bit Strips due Friday, article on the Downtown Fire due Friday

Have a great night! Get lots of rest!

Ms. Swanek

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

A few more...

Well I was happy to see many of you return to school feeling better today. I look forward to seeing the rest of you soon!

Here is what you missed if you were awar today.

History: Continue to work on your social history project
Language: Bit Strip comic-due Friday
Language: fictional article on downtown fire-due Thursday

Have a good night!

Ms. Swanek

Primary Sources

For those that are looking into primary sources for their social history presentations, check out the link below. This site has posted a number of reliable sites that hold various primary sources.


Ms. Swanek

There is something in the air...

Hello folks,

So it is evident with the number of students absent yesturday, that something is going around. As a result of this illness, the trip to Father Redmond has been cancelled. We are looking into alternatives and we will keep you posted. For now, rest and feel better. See you all soon!

Ms. Swanek