Monday, February 21, 2011

Language Reading and Discussion for February 22nd

Review the clip that was shown in class last week entitled Did You Know. Respond to ONE of the following questions.

1. What do you think the main message of this clip is? What evidence from the clip makes you think this?

2. Do you agree with the message in the clip? Why or why not?

3. Do you think that this is an important message for society today? Why or why not?


  1. 1.I think that the main message in the clip was that people these days are too gullable and that they believe anything they see or hear. I know this because when I watched "Did You Know 4.0" on YouTube, I actually believed everything they said, just like any person would. It looks so proffesionaly made and most of it sounded like it is/was/will be true. When I saw that "70% of these facts were 100% made up", I realized that I probably wasn't the only one that was fooled by that video. But as Sarah Barecca said in class, that last statement could have also been made up. Once again, you catch yourself feeling gullable. But that statement could have also been one of the 30% of facts that were true. It leaves people craving the answer if it is true or not. It is hard to tell these days if people are lying or not.

    2. I agree with the message because the media puts anything and everything out there and the public gobbles it up believing every last bit of information. For example, the year 2012. Will the earth end that year? How? Can you stop it? Will it actually happen or is it all a myth? If the media keeps talking about it and advertising it, over time, the public will probably believe everything people say about it. Another example could be if a company makes a product, advertise it on TV, show that it is in great condition and say, "If you buy this product, you will look beautiful and everyone will love you and your dreams will come true", people are probably going to buy it, right? Of course. Chances are that people will probably buy it because they are likely gullable.

    3. I think that it is important for society today because people probably don't know that they are extremely gullable. There aren't many signs that show them that they are. If they watched "How Do You Know 4.0", people would probably watch everything else they watch (i.e. ads, TV shows, ect.) very carefully and try not to be pulled into the media vortex of lies.

    -Sara Dalla Guarda <3

  2. 3. I definitely believe this is a very important message for today’s society, showing us how extremely naive we are to what the media tells us. When I viewed 'Did You Know 4.0?’ I believed every one of the facts the video presented. When they said "70% of these facts were 100% made up", I was completely astounded, and judging from my classmates' reactions as well, they were shocked too, which leads me to believe most people who watch this video will believe these facts as well. The video's manner of how it proficiently presented itself and how it mixed accurately-looking facts followed by a total false statement made this video very convincingly true overall. Viewing this video makes me feel that this is a wake-up slap to the entire world, showing how incredibly gullible we are, and teaching us to be more critical thinkers in what the media and other people are telling us, as we could again, easily be fooled to believe false information like we did in this video.

  3. 3. Do you think that this is an important message for society today? Why or why not?

    I feel that the message is important for today's society and the people in it. When I watched the video in class, I thought to myself "Wow!" and believed what was being presented. When I watched the video with my father he thought the same thing; amazing facts!

    Once the video was complete and the last line was stated about 70% of the statements were 100% made up really made me think.

    Although our society has technology at its finger tips, it does not mean that the information being collected is correct. I feel that when information is needed and needs to be accurate it is important to do in depth searching and not just depend on the computer for fast searching. Personal searching will take longer, but sometimes the pay off is greater than the instant searching.

    Going to the library to search for research still needs to take place before decisions and statements are made. Having the research to back up a statement will cause others to listen more carefully.

  4. Do you agree with the message in the clip? Why or why not?

    In the ad these people have put together many opinions to make them sound like facts. I know this from the last part of the clip when it says 70% of the clip was 100% made up. The main message of this clip is to show that mostly everyone knows believes everything that they hear is a fact. At first I believed that most of the things in the video were true.

    I do agree with the quote because people now days believe anything you tell them. They rely on media as well as other people (friends). They come up with newer easier to use things such as a (GPS) this machine helps you with your car to get to your destination. Before this all car owners would need to know where to go or Call anyone you know for directions or find them on the internet. Even though it is good to be technologically advanced you should not get lazier and lazier every day. It is not good at all. While they are getting lazy they are getting dumber. They will only trust there hand held gadgets. I think that technology is bringing us away from all of the important things like knowing the difference from a fact and an opinion. Some the opinions in the clip were really hard to believe. American military’s nuclear bombs if in the atmosphere.

    As we all know many people are connected but most of these people believe what ever they are been told. Is there a way that they can learn both to stay connected and learn the difference between opinions and facts? As well as make there own dictions?

  5. I strongly agree that the message is important for todays society. It demonstrates that we all believe whatever we are told. Their are so many opinions and point of views to every situation, what we are told may not be percise. When we hear what we think is a fact we don't second guess and this is what ruins a lot of peoples reputations because we assume things when we don't know the facts.

    When I saw the clip in my class I totally believed that the facts were 100% accurate. I was astonished at some of the facts, not even questioning if they were true. When the last line stated 70% of the facts are 100% made up i was in disbelieve.

    I thought to myself i'm so used to believing whatever im told. Everyone is so connected with the media we automatically think what were hearing is factual. People rely on the media to get their facts, we do it everyday. During our day we listen do the media on the radio, television, newspaper,our phones, ipods, internet etc. It's everywhere. We are forced to hear these facts and thats what the media wants. If everyone in the world only knew the truth, the world would be much different.

  6. After watching this video, I thought to myself that the end statement of this video is in fact very true. That statement said, " 70% of these facts are 100% made up". I was very confused, but at the same time relieved.

    Therefore my answer regarding the question is yes, i think that this is an important message for our society today. Here is one big reason why I think this.

    Today in our society almost everyone in the world turns on their cell phone, computer, television, radio etc,and hear things regarding celebrities,politics, sports, etc. Some of the time you don't know where these facts are coming from and could be completely false. Then rumours start, and it could become really ugly if people start thinking that they are true.

    When facts get out that sometimes are not in fact true, it is really unfair to the people the are being accused. So answering the question, yes this is an important message because people need to be careful on what they hear or see, so they are not hearing false facts all the time.

  7. I think that the message in this video is that we are too easily convinced by the media. When I say “we” I mean just pretty much everyone who reads magazines, newspapers, read online, and watch the news. We tend to believe it because it is in all those things, although most people may have the title “media,” they are just regular people like us. These people mostly just make up random facts or gossip that comes to mind. They do that to try to make more because that can sometimes get you a lot of money. They also want to see how many people they can get to believe what they say. People also believe a lot of videos found online like “youtube.” There are people in the world who make videos and have the technology to make it look professional, like this video, “Did you know?” for all we know it could have all been made up by someone with too much spare time.

  8. 1. What do you think the main message of this clip is? What evidence from the clip makes you think this?

    I think the main message of this clip is that we, the public, are too gullible with information, especially involving the media. One of the main reasons why I think this is because when the class watched the video almost all of us believed every single fact that appeared. I did have a couple of disbelieves such as “by 2020 both marriages will be gay marriages.” Even though I doubted this, I still believed it because since I was watching it, it must be true. This is a prime example of people today are too gullible and will believe everything they see. As well, this video looked professionally made so it was even easier for a regular person like me to believe it. Another example of this is commercials on TV. People believe everything they hear about a product and go out to the store and buy it to soon find out that the product is a piece of absolute garbage. At the end of this video, when it said, “70% of the facts in this video were 100% made up,” everyone, including myself was completely flabbergasted. It made me think if even the final statement was true. It is astounding to know that everyone believed all or at least most was shown in the video and to then find out it wasn’t true. This goes to show that people today are too gullible and will believe everything that they see or hear.

  9. #3.
    I think the important message for society today is to be CRITICAL and to be aware of the information we are getting for the media. For example, since the average person can put anything they want on the internet, facebook, twitter, etc, we, the media, we may read the incorrect info and accept the data as facts. If we believe it we are gullible. I think this because, in this clip 70% of the video was made up and I know very minimal of my peers knew that the information we received from the clip was false information. After this video it should make society question what you are reading. Is this realistic? Or is it a false accusation? If I believe this will I be gullible? These are questions that should go through your mind every time you receive information that your instincts question. Today’s society is too easy to fool and persuade.

  10. Question: Do you agree with the message in the clip? Why or why not?
    Yes, I agree with the message in this clip because it really opened my eyes to how easily people today believe the media. I think the message in the clip is, if you do not know the original source of the information you have to be critical and think about the information realistically. Many times the clip stated ‘statistics’ like,” At this very moment the American military has three nuclear bombs orbiting the Earth, one of which Obama can detonate with his cell phone.” While watching, this seemed perfectly normal but when our class re-watched the video knowing, that 70% of the facts were made up it seemed completely absurd that I believed it in the first place. Most of the time I try to be sceptical when I see improbable advertisements, reality television shows, or other types of media but for some reason I never thought twice about this clip. The saying don’t judge a book by its cover reminds me of this situation because just because the clip looked professionally done and very realistic I assumed it was true even though I should have been sceptical in the first place for many obvious reasons. First, it was from YouTube, a site where everyone has the freedom to post whatever they like, whether true or false and moreover, some of the ‘facts’ stated were obviously untrue. In conclusion I entirely agree with the message in the clip because you can never be too sure of your information.

  11. 2. The main message in this clip is that the public accept everything that we are told. We do not care to look deeper, question and research the media that we consume. This video is telling us that we can’t take everything at face value.
    I strongly believe that this message is true in our society. This is because today, even with the availability of research material (with internet, etc), we still are not inclined to validate everything we see.
    Take, for example, the issue of Photoshopping. It is commonly known that excessive Photoshopping is done to photos to “improve” appearances. For the most part, the public is convinced that the impossible figures we see in photos are truly beautiful. We then strive for this unattainable beauty. If we are so easily convinced that this is the way to go, then where will we be in the future? How can we advance when we are so gullible?
    This approach that we use to digest information can lead to ignorance. During the video, I found myself accepting most of the facts. Some of them were a little far-fetched (Obama’s cell phone), but nevertheless, I was still surprised at the last comment (seventy percent of the facts were completely made up).
    As one of the commenters of this video stated: “[This is a] great lesson not to believe everything you hear.” I firmly agree with this message.


  12. 1.What do you think the main message of this clip is? What evidence from the clip makes you think this?

    I believe that the message of the clip was that nowadays people are too gullible. Watching the clip the first time I believed everything it said until the end where it says “70% of these facts a made up” this was an odd twist to the video that implies that the people who made that video were sure that you would believe everything said earlier as they had to tell you it was fake. If the makers of the video did not tell you that those facts were fake chances are you would have believed it and you would go around telling people that Obama can launch a nuke with his cell phone.this video was a statement that tells you NOT to belive everything you hear.

    70% of this respose was 100% made up

  13. What do you think the main message of this clip is? What evidence from the clip makes you think this?

    I think that the main message of this clip is that society nowadays is easily hooked into facts that may not represent the truth. To support this fact imagine if the final two slides were not there. I bet over 90% of the viewers would've gone around talking about 3 nuclear missles orbiting the earth. We easily persuaded and with subliminal messaging growing we are very easily convince that " Hey that is the truth." Even though it is not. Some people that see these facts let's say in a book or in any type of print, would easily already been convinced because we have lost our ability to edit whats correct and whats wrong. This is natural because of common knowledge we know a book/newspaper always goes through editing so why would they release false accusations. Well a lot of the times newspapers can be biased and tell lies and promote a certain point of view, the stronger player in the controversy will always get more publicity but you have to realize that there is NEVER one side to a story.

    Again since the video was well edited and sponsored even the best of brains were baffled at the end. To be honest some of the facts even sounded true but still sounded a little bit over exaggerated and after doing some research on the video/ taking notes it is helped my mind be able to determine what is reality and what is false info over a gadget we call the "internet." More less i think that society as a whole should really study things more carefully than just assume the truth. Hopefully all the viewers learned a valuable lesson on how to train your mind to accept only the right and truth, this is because most of the people on the internet can lie about info/pictures etc. So remember always keep your guard while watching anything that isn't edited/sponsored or you just can tell that it's fake. Again don't be so easily convinced STAY ALERT!
