Thursday, September 30, 2010

Friday is in reach!

So I would like to start today's entry by congradulating our girl’s soccer team who have advanced onto the city’s! Way to go girls!! I also hope that all those that took part in the Me to We rally had an enjoyable day. From what I have heard so far, it sounds like you have.
Here is what you missed if you were out of class today:

History: preparation for the Confederation debate tomorrow-we will be videoing the debate, so be sure to be as well prepared for it as you can. You will have about 10mins to confer with your teams (for and against) before we begin, just to finalize arguments and statements. I will select speakers at that point. 
Geography: Research the life expectancy of Canadians and answer #3,4 on page 38 (due Monday)
Health: with all those students out of class today I decided to hold off on the diet ranking until Monday, this way everyone can take part. I will be looking over the research portion over the weekend.

Math: we have started into chapter two. Like our last unit, this is still under number sense and numeration, so there will be no calculator use, expect for checking ones work. This is good/healthy practice that will prepare you for high school.
HMK: pg 50#7-9,12 WBK pg. 15 #1-2, 3-4 a-c (due Monday)
Science: read pages 20-23 and answer #2 and 4 (due Tuesday)

Tomorrow we will be having TTC photos. Please bring in $5.25.
Scientist in the school-tomorrow afternoon
Ad's are due on Tuesday-you will have sometime to gather with your groups on Monday

Well that is it for me. 

Ms. Swanek

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

If you can't dance...if you can't dance.....

Well I hope that you all enjoyed yourselves this morning in our dance workshop. I am so proud of all of you. Everyone put forth a great effort and really went in with open minds. As a result we had a positive experience.

Tomorrow a number of you will be out of the class, so please be sure to talk to someone in class and get the work that you missed. Remember, here or not you are responsible.

TTC Photos on Friday-$5.25
Scientist in the School-Friday afternoon

Here comes the homework:

With the workshop, math test and music today you do not have any new assignments from me. So take tonight and get a head start on the assignments that have already been assigned. If you are having trouble remembering, refer to past posts.

Have a good night, and those that are away tomorrow, enjoy your day!

Ms. Swanek

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Looking forward....

I am so excited for tomorrow. I think that you are really going to enjoy our dance workshop. Please remember to come dressed ready to move and to have an open mind. Also, if you are one of those people that have yet to pay, please do so by tomorrow.
Other reminders:
-TTC Photo's are on Friday and they will cost $5.25
-We will be having a drama workshop coming up in October-more info on that to come
-Please have your science quiz's and math key assessments signed and returned
Geography: Population Pyramid due Wednesday
History: prepare for the Confederation debate on Friday-have a page summary of your arguments
Health: diet research assignments due Thursday-see rubric for more details
Math: study for tomorrow test and complete page 47 #1-11 for Thursday
Science: 'e' lab report due Monday October 4th
Language: continue to brainstorm and plan for your ad assignment-due Tuesday October 5th

Before signing off, I also want to congradulate the girls and boys soccer teams that played despite the rain today! Way to go folks!!

That's it from me.

Ms. Swanek

Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday, Monday....

So we have started into another busy week here is grade 8. Soccer tournaments, math tests, language projects (ads), dance workshops, and scientist in the school and I am sure there is more. We are in an exciting and busy week. 
I hope that you all enjoyed our introduction into drama today; I think that we are going to have some fun in this area! 
There are still a few people who have not yet brought in their money for the dance workshop, please do so asap!

Geography: population pyramids handout-due Wednesday
Health: research a -diet due Thursday
Art: Prospective-due Friday to be coloured and/or shaded
-Characteristics of Living Things photographs due Monday October 4th
Math-study for chapter one test on Wednesday
Language: advertisement-due Monday
Science: Read pg 14-17 and answer questions #2-4

I think that will keep you all busy. Remember, if you have any questions or concerns prior to the math test; please see me at recess sometime tomorrow.

 Until next time,

Ms. Swanek

Friday, September 24, 2010

End of Week 3

It may be hard to believe, especially with today's weather, but September is almost gone. Time is moving right along. Before we know it you will be applying for high schools!
Until then, here is what have to look forward to next week:
Swing Dance workshop: Wednesday -note if you have not brought in $2.50 please do so asap.
Math Test: Wednesday
Friday: Scientist in the Schools
Boys/Girls regional soccer tournament: Tuesday
Me to We: Thursday

So it looks like next week is going to be a busy one. As far as homework goes here it what you have over the weekend.

Morning Folks:
-health project-researching a diet
-Art-photography assignment and perspective drawing
History and Geography: take advantage of the break from homework in these subjects to reread chapters or read ahead.

Afternoon Folks:
-math: study for test-nelson math site is a great tool for studying
-language: read page 6-7 Advertising in Disguise  and respond to the question on page 7

That’s it from me. Enjoy the weekend! See you all on Monday.

Ms. Swanek

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Terry Fox....

Today we honoured the memory of a great Canadian hero. By walking like he did 30 years ago, were not only honouring his memory, but we carrying on his fight. It was just a bonus that were getting excerise and  the enjoyment of a beautiful fall day.

A reminder to those of you that have not yet brought in your money for the dance workshop, please do so as soon as possible!

In terms of work here is what you need to know:

-Math: work through the chapter review and come prepared with any questions that you would like to review with the class. Math test next week.
-Language: Write Traits-read page 5/6 and suggest the problem
                  Ad-find an ad and write what it is persuading its viewers to believe/think/feel, be prepared to share and discuss tomorrow.
-Science: Quiz on the microscope tomorrow! Read pages 14-17 and answer questions 2-4

Thats it from me, for now.

Ms. Swanek

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Mid week....

Hello folks,

We are half way through the week. I want to thank you all for your work thus far. Keep it up!

Here is what is required for tomorrow:

Please come in Red and White to honour the memory and dream of Terry Fox. Make sure that the dress is appropriate for moving in as we will be walking from 10:30-11:30am!

Morning group:
History: read and review the concepts covered today-6 reasons for Confederation
Geography: questions 1,3,4,6 on page 29

Math: textbook page 37# 9,12,15 and Workbook numbers 1-3,6
A reminder to any of those that would like some extra help with the math material covered this far, to please come and work with me at recess. A unit test will be coming up next week, so start reviewing and coming in with your questions.
Language: read the viewing ad's sheet provided in class. Come to class on Friday with an ad and be prepared to share with the class the concept that is being promoted. What is the ad trying to persuade its viewers to think or feel?
Science: the follow up questions to the lab are to be submitted by tomorrow's class!

Finally, I would like to congradulate the girls soccer team on placing first in their tournament today! Great work girls!

Thats all for now.

Ms. Swanek

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

And the days keep on rolling by....

Another day is done. Thank you to our presenters today. We are almost through. I also want to congratulate everyone for successfully completing the first beep test. Remember, this is a race against yourself and no one else. Over the course of the next few months, you want to strive to improve the amount of levels that you can surpass. Great start everyone!

A few reminders; please have your geography questions signed and returned. Mr. Cassidy asks that you return the sheets for him on Thursday. Also, please start bringing in your money for the dance workshop next week. 

As for homework here is what is due:

Morning Folks:
Religion: anyone that has not yet submitted the hospitality see it, hear it, feel it sheet, please do so by tomorrow
History: read page 93-101 and be ready to discuss questions on the reasons for Confederation
Geography: read page 22-29 and answer questions 1,3,4,6-Note: please ensure that you are answering exactly what the question is asking!

Afternoon Folks:
Science: questions for the cell theory lab report

And before I forget, I also want to congradulate the boy’s soccer team who placed first in their tournament today. Good luck to the girls, who are off competing tomorrow!

That’s all from the teachers desk. See you all tomorrow!

Ms. Swanek

Monday, September 20, 2010

Week 3!

Ok grade 8's, week 3! This week is going to be a busy one. We have soccer tournaments, Terry Fox run, assemblies, and oh yes, work to cover. Just keep up with the nightly work and we will all get through.
I want to thank those that have presented so far, I have continued to be impressed with the power points. I look forward to viewing the final presentations over the next few days.
As for tomorrow here is what should be done:
Morning Group:
Geography:  determine the country that the United Nations has ranked as the best place to live
History: get a head start on the reading for Wednesday-page 93-101
Religion: See it, hear it and feel it sheets to be submitted upon arrival to class
Physical Education: a reminder to all to bring a change of clothes and proper running shoes

Afternoon Group:
Math: try your best to work through the question in the workbook (page 9) we will discuss in class some more.
Science: summarize the final paragraph and answer, check your learning #1-3. Please do not forget to bring in a square box for tomorrow's lab.
Language: curl up with a good book.

That seems to be it for now. Tomorrow when you arrive, you will notice that there is an addition to the classroom, please be careful moving around it.

Ms. Swanek

Friday, September 17, 2010

End of Week 2!!

Well that’s it we have made it through the second week of school! I hope that you are all doing okay, and maybe even having some fun along the way. I do want to thank all of you for all the work that you have put forth thus far. Keep it up!

Take sometime for yourself over this weekend and when you are ready to get back to it, here is what is coming up next week:

Morning Group:
Power point: we have gotten a bit behind in our presentations do to some interruptions, so on Monday we will be seeing presentations from the Friday group. All presentations as a result will be moved back one day.
History: read chapter 3 and complete the graphic organizer-reminder there will be an assessment on Monday
Geography: What is the best place to live (quality of life)?
Art: start thinking about the first photography assignment-depicting 3 characteristics of living things through the art of photography
DPA: just a reminder that everyone should have a proper pair of running shoes in order to take part

Math: Textbook # 3,4,6,11 WBK pg 8
Language: Prepare for the debate on segregation of classes-remember now I am expecting a stronger rebuttal round!
Science: please ensure that you come prepared to class on Tuesday with a box for our science lab.

Alright, I think that is it. As a mentioned, have some fun this weekend and come back well rested, ready for a new week!

Ms. Swanek

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Curriculum Night

Tonight we celebrate the beginning of a new school year. I look forward to seeing some of you there! As for homework, enjoy a night of light work.
Here it is:

Morning Folks:
History: read chapter 3 and complete the graphic organizer
Geography: Review of chapter 1 and complete questions 4 and 8-NOTE: notebooks will be submitted for marking as well.
Presentations: I look forward to seeing and hearing the next round of our presentations tomorrow!
DPA: a reminder to have proper shoes and a change of shirt.

Afternoon Folks:
Math: please review concepts and look ahead to 1.6 square roots
Language: Read the editorial and identify the main idea/thesis and the suppporting ideas
Science: Read page 11-12 and answer # 1-3

A reminder to the girls, to remember to bring in their HPV forms asap!

As always, thanks for all your hard work.

Ms. Swanek

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Another day done....

Hello folks! I hope that everyone is doing well and beginning to feel settled. As long as we keep on top of things, this year will go smoothly for everyone. With that being said, here is what you need to know for tomorrow:

Morning Guys and Gals:
History: read chapter 2 and complete the graphic organizer-HINT: check out page 68.
Geography: please finish numbers 4 and 8 and be ready to submit them on Friday

Afternoon Folks:
Math: If you were finding today’s key assessment on GCF and LCM difficult take advantage of the gift of no math homework tonight, and spend sometime reviewing. Come in with any questions!
 Language: I was pleased with the outcome of today’s debate on the issue of intermediate recess. I hope that you all have a better idea now of how debates run. If you want to get a head start on the next one, start brainstorming points on the following topic: School uniforms.
Science: Follow up to science lab, questions A-E.

Girls please ensure that you bring back your HPV forms filled out.
Anyone that has not yet submitted forms for either Curriculum Night/Back to School BBQ or Lunch Essentials, please do so as soon as possible.

Also, if there are any parents checking in, please be advised that agenda's should be in regular use by this point in time. Students should be filling them in each day.

Finally, I want to say congratulations to those of you girls that have tried out for soccer! No matter how it turns out from here, you know that you tried and gave it your all.

Well that's it from me for today. Enjoy your night!

Ms. Swanek

Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I would like to thank those of you that shared your power point presentations with us today. I have to say that I am impressed with the work that has gone into this mini projects. It is great to see you all express yourself in the colour, décor and images in your power points. I look forward for more to come!

In preparation for tomorrow please ensure that the following is complete:

Morning Folks:
Geography: Read pages 10-15 and answer Check Back #1-4
Power points: those that are presenting tomorrow please ensure that you are ready to go (that includes those of you that were not prepared today!)
History: Read chapter 2 and complete the graphic organizer-due Thursday

Afternoon Folks:
Math: Textbook: page 18 #4-6 and Workbook page 7 #1-4
Language: Prepare for debate on segregated classes
Science: Follow up to experiment, answer A-E

A reminder, that we have mass tomorrow morning, so our morning schedule will be shifted accordingly.

That’s it from me, for now. See you all tomorrow! And just a gentle reminder, lets show administration that we do indeed know what a straight line looks like!!

Ms. Swanek

Monday, September 13, 2010

On our way!

So we are finally on our way with our All About Me power point presentations. Thank you to those of you that started us off today. I am already learning new things about this program thanks to all of you! I look forward learning more and getting to know you all better.

Here is what you need to get done for tomorrow:
Morning Folks:
-History: Be ready to present your summary
-Geography: Read page 10-15 and answer Check Back #1-4
-Power Point Presentation: Be ready for your presentation
Afternoon Folks:
-Power Point Presentation
-Math: Textbook page 18 # 3, 6 and WBK page 5 # 1-10
-Language: Debate, topic: Segregated Classes

Thanks for all your hard work thus far. Remember everyone should have an agenda and be using it regularly by now. You will be given a few minutes before lunch and before the end of the day to fill it in, but it is up to you to ensure that all work is documented and then, of course completed.

See you all tomorrow.
Ms. Swanek

Friday, September 10, 2010

The finish line.....

Well grade 8's we have made it through the first week of school! Now things are really going to kick start. By the end of next week a timetable will be finalized and we will really sink into the curriculum.

Something’s that you can look forward to next week include: gym, mass, put on by the grade 8's, and curriculum night. A reminder, that in order to take part in physical education you must come with appropriate clothing; this includes running shoes, t-shirt and shorts or jogging pants.

Here is what you must have completed for next week:
#1: EVERYONE must have an agenda! I will be checking and initialling agenda's starting during bell work on Monday.

Morning Students:
-Religion: Reflecting Questions #1-7
-History: Summaries-ready to present them on Tuesday
-Geography: Title page, , Checking Back # 1-3

Afternoon Students:
-PowerPoint Presentations: Those that are presenting on Monday please come ready to speak right after lunch
-Math: Common Factors and Common Multiples text page 14, # 4-6 Workbook page 3 # 1-5
-Science: Living vs. Non-living Chart and reflecting question: what do living and non-living things have in common?

I think that does it. Thanks for a great first week everyone! Enjoy your weekend!

Ms. Swanek

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Another Day

Well folks, we are moving right along here....this is what you need to know for tomorrow.

Morning Group:
Religion: Questions on expectations
Geography: Title page, searching, and check back #1-3 Due Monday
History: Title page and map 

Afternoon Group:
 Textbook Pg 9 #5,7a-c, 8-9 and Workbook Pg 2 #1-5
Science-Title page and KWL Chart

*Remember unless otherwise stated all homework is duet he next day.

1. Please start bringing in images/words etc to decorate our footprints board. Remember these things should depict the positive footprint that you want to leave here at St. Greg's. 
2. Continue to work on our power point presentations and I will continue the hunt for the cord.

Thats all for now.

Ms. Swanek

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Two Down....

With a second day under our belts we are beginning to get settled into to routine. By the end of this week we will have started the majority of the subjects and your grade eight year will be well under way. It is important that you stay organized and on top of things early on, so that you do not run into stress when things get busy. As of now all you have to worry about is completing your daily homework, which includes math pg. 6 #3-12, reading response, and your history title page and map (due Friday). You are also reminded to continue brainstorming, or perhaps even working on your power point presentation, as well as thinking of examples/ways in which we as a class/grade are going to leave a positive footprint at St. Gregory.

Until next time.....

Ms. Swanek

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Day One

Well grade 8's we have survived the first day! As things continue to get finalized as the week progresses, you will see that this site will become more useful. With that being said, I want to remind everyone that this is tool, and should be used as such. I will be the only person to post on the site and I will do so at least once day. Homework, assignments deadlines, and any other reminders or upcoming events will be posted. I hope that you find this to be useful. 
For tomorrow you are all expected to complete the short persuasive essay on the best summer experience, math Getting Started and Do You Remember up to #7, as well as the All About You sheet. These items are to be submitted in the IN box as you enter class. If you are feeling really eager, you can get a jump start on your power point presentation about you. We will discuss this in more detail in the days to come. Finally, just a note, the agendas are in the school and should be given out within the next few days.
 See you all tomorrow for day two!
Ms. Swanek

Day One

Well grade 8's we have survived the first day! As things continue to get finalized as the week progresses, you will see that this site will become more useful. With that being said, I want to remind everyone that this is tool, and should be used as such. I will be the only person to post on the site and I will do so at least once day. Homework, assignments deadlines, and any other reminders or upcoming events will be posted. I hope that you find this to be useful. See you all tomorrow for day two!
Ms. Swanek

Saturday, September 4, 2010


Hello grade 8's and welcome to your final year at St. Gregory's! You have finally made it to the top. You are the leaders of the school, and with that comes great responsibility. However, I am sure that you are all up to the challenge. I am so looking forward to getting to know you all as we move forward. There is a lot of things to get through this year, but there is also many things to look forward too.

Ms. Swanek