Friday, September 10, 2010

The finish line.....

Well grade 8's we have made it through the first week of school! Now things are really going to kick start. By the end of next week a timetable will be finalized and we will really sink into the curriculum.

Something’s that you can look forward to next week include: gym, mass, put on by the grade 8's, and curriculum night. A reminder, that in order to take part in physical education you must come with appropriate clothing; this includes running shoes, t-shirt and shorts or jogging pants.

Here is what you must have completed for next week:
#1: EVERYONE must have an agenda! I will be checking and initialling agenda's starting during bell work on Monday.

Morning Students:
-Religion: Reflecting Questions #1-7
-History: Summaries-ready to present them on Tuesday
-Geography: Title page, , Checking Back # 1-3

Afternoon Students:
-PowerPoint Presentations: Those that are presenting on Monday please come ready to speak right after lunch
-Math: Common Factors and Common Multiples text page 14, # 4-6 Workbook page 3 # 1-5
-Science: Living vs. Non-living Chart and reflecting question: what do living and non-living things have in common?

I think that does it. Thanks for a great first week everyone! Enjoy your weekend!

Ms. Swanek

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