Friday, October 29, 2010


Just to remind everyone, Tuesday is our trip to Redmond. If you have not brought in your permission form and money please do so asap! Also, the cost of the dance was $2, so please ensure that you bring that in as well. Finally, to those that have not submitted signed assessments, we are all waiting for you to do so. Until you do, all assessments (math test, science labs, science quiz, editorials, and history newspaper pieces) will be held for ransom.

Ms. Swanek

Happy Halloween!!!

Hello folks,

I hope that all enjoyed our Halloween celebrations today. I was very impressed with all the unique and creative customes that I saw today. I was very proud to be marching around our school grounds with you all this morning. The dance this afternoon seemed to me like it was hit. You were all dancing and smiling, so how could it not have been?

As far as homework is concerned you should not be too weighed down.

Morning students:
Fully Alive-from last Monday
Religion-reflection for The Great Kapok Tree
History-continue to plan and research your social history project-remember my challenge to find a primary source!

Afternoon students:
If you have not finished the math and language from yesturday, it is due Monday.

Have a very happy and safe Halloween! Dress warm, it is supposed to be chilly!

Ms. Swanek

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Today's Homework

Tomorrow is going to be an exciting day I know, however please remember that the dance and Halloween celebrations are not taking place until the afternoon. This means that we will indeed be doing work in the morning, so come prepared!

Morning Folks:
History: come with research material to review.

Afternoon Folks:
All work from this afternoon (math and language) are due on Monday.
Math: wbk. pg 30 all
Language: Read The Zoo, pg. 18-21 and answer Reflecting questions 1-3

See you all in costume tomorrow!

Ms. Swanek

Guided Reading

Hello folks,

I can tell that we are getting closer to Halloween because we are getting very chatty and easily excited. I understand that there is excitement in the air, but I have to say that I was disappointed with the behaviour of the class during guided reading this afternoon. Please put yourself in the shoes of the people in the guided reading group, and be considerate of their time with me. I am expected a great difference in behaviour next week.

Ms. Swanek

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Today's Homework

I would like to thank everyone for their good behaviour yesturday while I was out at my workshop. It is great to know that I can trust you all to respect the guest teacher and use your time wisely in class.

As for today, here is what you have to work on tonight!

Morning Folks:
Come prepared to work in your groups on your history assignment tomorrow morning.
Those two groups that have not yet presented their history skits be ready to go!

Afternoon Folks:
I would like to thank everyone for working co-opertively and fairly quitely while I was meeting with our first guided reading group. If you are all on task, I can focus solely on the group in front of me, so thank you for your consideration! Continue to work on your storyboards. I will be coming around tomorrow to have a look at your groups progress.
As for math, you are asked to complete page 94 # 4-6 in your text and page 29 in your workbook #1. Due tomorrow.
A reminder that the chapter four science test will take place tomorrow afternoon, so be prepared.

That's all from me. Have a great night!

Ms. Swanek

High School Open Houses

It is that time of year already, high application time! As you begin to plan for your high school career, consider checking out various high school open houses to give you a sense of what you can expect from different high schools.

Here is the list of open houses for high schools in our board:

October 26
Father Henry Carr
1760 Martin Grove
Pope John Paul II

October 27
Cardinal Carter Academy

October 28
Don Bosco
St. Joseph's College

November 2
Blessed Mother Teresa
Francis Libermann
James Cardinal McGuigan
Neil McNeil High School
St. Mary's Catholic School

November 3
Archbishop Romero Catholic School
Bishop Allen Academy
Loretto College High School
Msgr. Percy JOhnson
Pope John Oaul II
St. Joseph MOrrow Park
St. Patricl Catholic School

November 4
Bishop Marrocco/Thomas Merton
CArdinal Newman
Father John Redmond
Marshall McLuhan
Mary Ward
St. Basil-the Great

November 8th
Madonna Catholic School

November 9th
Chaminade College
Dante Alighieri Academy
Michael Power/St. Joseph
Senator O'Connor

November 10th
Brebeuf College
Jean Vanier Catholic School

For addressed please see the board website.

Hope this helps!

Ms. Swanek

Monday, October 25, 2010

This week is going to be busy but fun. It is definitely going to end on a high note, with Halloween and the dance. Something to look forward too. Until then we have much to do.

Here is your homework for tonight.

AM Folks:

History: read page 148-153. Answer questions 1-5. Due Wednesay.
Fully Alive: read up to page 29. In your religion books write a one page response about Meaghan's story. Due Monday.
Drama: For those groups that did not get a chance to perform their skits today, we will finish up on Wednesday morning.

PM Folks:

Science: study for chapter 4 quiz, which will now be held on Wednesday afternoon. Take advantage of the extra day!
Math: look ahead to chapter 3.
Language: brainstorm ideas for your comic strip. Be ready to work on a storyboard tomorrow afternoon.

As I mentioned today in class, I will be away at a workshop tomorrow. I expect to hear excellent things about your behaviour and use of class time. All items are due for the next class, so no excuses. Have a great day tomorrow and I will see you all on Wednesday!

Ms. Swanek

Friday, October 22, 2010


Happy Friday All!

I hope that everyone's weekend is off to a great start. I know you are all home studying hard for your tests next week!
 Here is everything that is coming your way next week.

Math Test-Monday
Good copy of editorial-Monday
History newspaper piece-Monday
Scaffold Drama skit-to be presented and filmed on Monday morning
Science Test-Tuesday
Comic Strip-Thursday

The time in class over the course of the week should have allowed everyone to get a good start on all of these items, including studying. Take time over the weekend to edit and add detail to your writing whever necessary. Of course continue to review material for the tests. If you are looking for some new ways to study try and the nelson website for science and math.

A reminder, to those in my afternoon group, if you have time check out the bit strips website and play around. We will be looking at this in more detail next week, once our editorials are out of the way.

Have a wonderful weekend and see you all on Monday!

Ms. Swanek

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Homework Club

I will be starting a homework/study club that will meet once a week at lunch recess. Students that would like extra help or extra time to work assignments or study for tests may use this time. Homework club will be held every Monday at lunch.
I hope that I see some of you there!

Ms. Swanek


Thank you all for your hard work today. Here is what is due for tomorrow:

History: bring in material to continue working on your newspaper pieces
Geography: read pages 55-59 and answer check back numbers 1-4 due Tuesday
Religion: bring in material to continue to work on your what is holiness assignment due Friday
Math: Start reviewing chapter material for test on Monday
Language: rough copy for editorial due tomorrow
Science: begin reviewing for chapter 4 test on Tuesday

I note to all afternoon students, most of you are progressing well with your editorials. Just a reminder, I am looking at and will be marking on you ability to revise your work. Make sure you are listening to feedback and making any necessary changes.

See you all tomorrow!

Ms. Swanek

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Today's Homework

Here is the homework for today:

Geography: Read page 46-54 and answer questions 1,2 (due tomorrow)\
History: Continue to work on your newspaper piece (due Monday)-note please bring items to work with/on for Thursday's class.
Drama: 1 minute skit-be ready to perform on Monday!-time to work with group on Friday
Religion: What is holiness assignment
Math: Wbk. p. 25
Language: editorial graphic organizer-those that have already had a conference with me, please get started on your rough copy
-Comic reading and reflection questions

It may seem like alot, but if you are spreading out the work and making use of your time in class you should be on track.

Keep working hard!

Ms. Swanek

Bit Strips

For those of you that can not wait to get started on your comic here is the site that I was referencing in class. Have fun and explore!

Ms. Swanek

Upcoming Dates

As I mentioned to you all today, next week is going to be busy. But lucky for you all the week will end on an exciting note, with Halloween and the dance.

Here is what is upcoming next week:

Monday October 25th -Ch. 2 Math Test
                                   - Good Copy of Editorial Due
                                   -History Newspaper piece due
Tuesday October 26th-Ch. 4 Science Test
Thursday October 28th- Comic strip due

I encourage all of you to come prepared to work on these items in class, as you will continue to be given significant time in class to work on these things.

Keep up the hard work!

Ms. Swanek

Monday, October 18, 2010

A new week.....

Hello folks,

I am happy to hear that many of us had pleasant weekends. We are in for a busy week. Here is what you can look forward too:

-Intermediate Assembly
-Photo retake day on Friday

As for work,

Geography: I am pleased with the results of last weeks geography test. The class average was  74%. Please ensure that all tests are signed and returned asap!
Language: continue working on editorials
Math: wbk. p. 23-24 #1-7,10

Have a great night!

Ms. Swanek

Friday, October 15, 2010


I hope that everyone's weekend is off to a good start.
In the way of homework you should not be too bad. Here is what you have:

Fully Alive: discussion questions, if you have not finished them already
Art: Images of gratitude-only a few people have brought them in so far, please have them ready for Monday
Language: graphic organizer for your editorial and research material for class work period on Monday
Math: even though there is no assigned homework, by the sounds of things today many of you can benefit from some extra practice and review-take advantage of the time this weekend!

Like I said, this is more than a managable amount of homework, so I am expecting great things!
Have a great weekend!

Ms. Swanek

Thursday, October 14, 2010


There are still a handful of people that have not yet paid for the drama workshop or the field trip to Father Redmond. Please get these items in asap!

Ms. Swanek

If there are any parents out there....

A number of assessments should be making their way home this week. Math key assessments, history quiz, history deabte rubric etc. If these items could be signed and returned asap it would be greatly appreciated. Of course, if you have any questions or concerns please if feel to contact me either through the agenda or over the phone.


Ms. Swanek

Thursday October 14th 2010

Thank you all for another day.
Here is what is up for tomorrow.

-History: conferences question

-Math: wbk pg. 21-22 #1-5
-Language: brainstorm and thesis for your editorial
-Science: study for quiz on the parts and functions of plant and animal cells

Have a good night!

Ms. Swanek

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Better late then never....

Hello folks,

Sorry for the late sign in. I hope that you all had a great long weekend and had some time to spend with loved ones. I am happy to see you all back.

Here is what is on deck for tomorrow:

Math: txt pg. 66 # 7, 8, 9 wkb pg. 20 #1-5
Language: Editorial-answer the three questions
Science: Thursday: plant and animal cell questions Friday: Microscope questions #2-6 and study for quiz

Enjoy what is left of your night.

Ms. Swanek

Friday, October 8, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Thank you all for another fun filled (it was especially filled this week with all the events going on) week. I hope that you are all enjoying the year thus far. If you have ideas or suggestions please share and we can see what we can do.
You all should not have too much homework over this weekend, especially if you were making good use of the work period at the end of the day. Here is what is coming up due next week:

Religion: images taht deptict graditude
Geography: quiz
Language: find an editoral
Math: mid chapter review pg 63 # 1-2, 5,6 9,10

History: Quebec conference graphic orangizer

Science: Onion Lab Report Due

Art: 3D Sphere in pencil crayon

Enjoy your time with your friends and family over this weekend. Be sure to get out there and enjoy some of the beautiful fall colours. Come back well rested and ready to get back to work!


Ms. Swanek

Thursday, October 7, 2010


-Bring in food for the Thanksgiving food drive. Remember not everyone will have enough to get them by the weekend.
-Those that have yet to pay for the drama workshop, please bring in your money tomorrow
-Start bringing in money ($6) and permission forms for the trip to Father Redmond on Tuesday November 2nd.

Thursday's Homework

Today was a very busy day. Between the drama workshop, pictures and quizes we did not do alot of time for new work, which I am sure pleases most of you, as that means less homework! So a little as it maybe, here is what you need for tomorrow:

HIstory: I realize that some of you are having some questions about the graphic organizer, so just do your best to fill it out and we will discuss it tomorrow. Note: those that did not write the history quiz today will be writing tomorrow.
Art: portfolio decorated
Drama: bring in images that reflect the dramatic element that your group was assigned (due Thursday)
Science: have all materials necessary for wokring on the onion lab

I do want to thank Mrs. Alvares for coming in and sharing her knowledge and passion for the dramatics with us. It was wonderful to see you all expressing yourselves in these new ways.

Ms. Swanek


With volleyball well underway for the intermediates I just wanted to congradulate all those students (boys and girls) that have gone out for the team. Your emthusiam for the sport has been noted and make it or not you have all showed great school spirt! To those that have made it to the next round of tryouts, congrats and good luck!

Ms. Swanek

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Thanksgiving Food Drive

As the Thanksgiving weekend approaches, please take the time to consider those less fortunate than us. Please do your part to support the food bank by bringing in canned food.

Up and running.....

Hello all,

We are all systems go once again. I am not sure why I was unable to access the blog last night, however it does not seem to matter now. I am sorry about the mix up, but I am glad to hear that people are in checking nightly and do miss it when it is not accessable.

Here is what you have missed:

History: quiz tomorrow-review the big concepts-graphic organizer for the Quebec Conference due Friday
Geography: get population pyramid assignment signed and return it asap.
Physical Education: I just wanted to say that I was very happy with today's class-we were all changed quickly and we really maximazed our time in the gym. Also, I am happy with the progress and skill development that I am seeing for volleyball. Keep up the hard work! Note: please remember all students should be bringing in a change of clothes (at the very least a change of top).
Math: 2.4 Ratios, txt pg. 58 #7, wbk pg. 19 # 1-5
Language: friendly letter due Friday-be ready for ad presentations tomorrow afternoon- I am very excited to see the work that you have produced!
Science: A reminder to those that were away for the 'e' lab, to meet tomorrow at lunch hour to complete the lab

I also want to congradulate the girls soccer team who placed 2nd at city's yesturday. Great work girls! Also, good luck to those that are trying out for volleyball!

I think that covers it. A friendly reminder, spot check for homework/notebooks can happen at any time, so be sure that you are always up to date.

Ms. Swanek

Monday, October 4, 2010


A reminder to all students, please be aware of due dates for all assignments-even regular homework. I was very disappointed with all the names on the board with incomplete work. I will not be so understanding in the future.

I am looking forward to tomorrow's trip. Please dress warm, as it will be cooler and we will be outdoors all morning. Also, if you have not yet brought in a permission form and money you must do so by tomorrow morning, or you will be unable to attend. We will meet in class for attendence, bell work and Oh Canada before boarding the bus. It should be a good day.

Today's homework:
Fully Alive: group discussion questions (due Monday)
Math: text pg. 53 #6, c and e, 8, 9 wbk pg. 16-17 #1-3 a-d, 4-7
-Please have your chapter 1 tests signed and returned asap!
Language: Ad assignment-due Wednesday

That's it from me. Have a good night.

Ms. Swanek

Friday, October 1, 2010

Looking into the future....

As we are approaching the end of the chapters in both science and geography, do not be surprised if a quiz or two pops up soon. HINT, HINT, NUDGE, NUDGE.


For this weekend here is what you are looking at in terms of homework:

Geography: Read pages 33-38 and answer numbers 3 and 4
Art: Characteristics of living things photography assignment-due Monday
DPA: bring proper shoes for running!
Math: txt. p. 50 #7-9,12 wbk. p. 15
Science: E lab due MOnday
Language: Ad assignment-due Tuesday

And there goes September.....

We have wrapped the first month of school! I hope that you all are keeping up with things thus far, and hopefully having a little fun along the way. There are a number of things to look forward to this coming month.
Girls city soccer tournament on Tuesday
Volleyball tryouts-boys continue on Monday, girls on Wednesday after school
Drama workshops
Picture Day
Halloween Dance
It will be a busy month with special events!